Online exhibition: LARGE WORKS
Art that envelops you. These large paintings play with scale to entrance the viewer.
Marcia Burtt, View to the West, Goleta Estuary, acrylic, 36x60 in. sold.
Marcia Burtt’s View to the West, Goleta Estuary is a portal to a walk on the beach. The 3x5 foot canvas creates a picture window view of the morning beach and slough. The size allows for a foreground of sand to step out onto, and the curve of the bluffs and distant coast as prospective destinations. The overcast atmosphere diffuses the light and the placid inlet of water creates a quiet calm escape.
Color field, splotches of paint, and gesture may reference Abstract Expressionism, but Susan Petty’s wave paintings are representational. The scale and underside angle submerge the viewer in the water. Rippling line, walls of color, and light that glows from the surface provide a formal dive into the ocean.

Michael Ferguson, Cape Flattery, acrylic, 31x43 in.
Michael Ferguson’s paintings demand more wall space than their dimensions dictate. His color bounces physically beyond the field. With his painting Cape Flattery the water buzzes with vibrating reds and greens. This is a two-dimensional painting with a multidimensional presence.
Patricia Doyle, Land of the Lotus, acrylic, 48x60 in..
An upside-down world of reflection alters reality in Patricia Doyle’s Land of the Lotus. Big strokes emphasize the abstract properties of the pond, flattening the top of the canvas. Undulating pink stucco, flora, and sky lie alongside pond ripples that define the physical surface, luring us to float into the large watery canvas.
Robert Abbott, Stuck Truck, oil, 36x36 in.
Narrative is conveyed through composition and format in Robert Abbott’s Stuck Truck. The square painting defies a rural idyll reading. From the cropped ranch truck, curtailed hills and truncated path, only the moon and background paraphernalia are included whole. The sun sets on the hills while the bottom half is in shadow, contrasting warm and cool hues. This is a contemplative chapter from a larger agrarian story.
Ann Lofquist, Dry December, oil, 26.75x69 in.
Ann Lofquist uses an extreme panoramic format to create an expansive landscape experience.
For an upclose view of Ann Lofquist’s Dry December, click here
The paintings are also available for purchase and viewing at the gallery, 1-5pm Thursday through Sunday.