Rocks & Water, Minimalism, Spring abridged.
Three exhibitions
extended through August 16, 2020
Marcia Burtt, Wave on the Rocks, acrylic, 10x18 in.
Marcia Burtt: Rocks and Water
Rocks shape the flow and splash of the ocean. Thin slashes of paint overlie broad strokes, creating fluid versus solid and capturing the energy of our shoreline in these paintings by Marcia Burtt.
Marilee Krause, Devereux, watercolor, 8x8 in.
A showing of our gallery artists who guide and engage the viewer through suggestion rather than detail. Find beauty in the line, form, and space in these landscapes.
Anne Ward, Poppies, oil, 20x16 in.
Spring, abridged
A selected showing of our Spring exhibition. Vibrant flowers, fresh green grasses, and billowing clouds celebrate springtime.
Explore in depth our Spring exhibition and the artist whose work inspired it, Anne Ward. The subject is springtime but the inspiration is "spring through the eyes of Anne Ward." VIEW ONLINE
Marcia Burtt: Rocks and Water
Spring, abridged